Enjoy our local, southern German dishes and freshly caught fish from the Lake of Constance together with a glass of Meersburg wine, in one of our two historic dining rooms or on our terrace on the market square. We use only fresh & mostly regional products. We buy freshly caught Lake Constance fish from our Meersburg fisherman. The pork comes from the nearby regional breeders association "Unser Landschwein", our beef steaks however come from Argentina.
Unser Restaurant ist von Mitte März bis November geöffnet. Unsere Küche hat von 12:00 - 13:45 und 18:00 - 20:45 Uhr geöffnet. Das Restaurant hat montags und dienstags Ruhetag, außer an Feiertagen. Im August und September ist dienstags geöffnet und ausschließlich montags Ruhetag.
"Käsespätzle” Baked Swabian Homemade Noodles with Cheese and Onions – Served with Salads
€ 17,50
Assorted Salad Plate with Onions, boiled Egg Fried Turkey and Bacon
€ 18,20
Zanderfilet in Mandelbutter mit Salzkartoffeln und Salatteller
€ 29,50
Fischteller mit Saiblings- und Zanderfilet, Estragonsoße, Reis und Salatteller
€ 32,50
Breaded Pork Cutlet “Vienna” Style served with Parsley Potatoes, Cranberries and Salads
€ 18,50
Pork Steak “Brewmaster Style” in dark Beer Sauce Served with Fried Potatoes and Assorted Salads
€ 23,50
Sirloin Steak with roasted Onions Spätzle and Salad
€ 29,90
Sirloin Steak “Café de Paris” Glazed with Herbs Seasoned Butter Served with French Fried Potatoes and Broccoli
€ 33,00